Setting up on Mac OS
*For iPad/iPhone scroll below
- Install the "Windows App" from AppStore > Windows App on the Mac App Store
- Under "Devices" press + sign and then "Add PC"
- Under the PC name put "CTS Cloud" and copy other settings from the photo below
- Once you press on "Gateway" choose "Add New"
Gateway Name > This was provided to you by the CTS technician in the ticket
Friendly Name > This was provided to you by the CTS technician in the ticket
Credentials: Use PC User Account
- Once it has been added double click the CTS Cloud and enter your credentials
Setting up on iPad/iPhone
- Install the "Windows App Mobile" from AppStore > Windows App Mobile on the App Store (
- Tap on "+" icon
- . Choose to add a PC
- "PC Name" should be > CTS Cloud
Gateway Name > This was provided to you by the CTS technician in the ticket
- Go to "Devices" and the Cloud should be there
- Once it has been added double click the CTS Cloud and enter your credentials
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